Sky is the limit for men set by nature. The world is everyone's oyster. Whatever one wants to do, he can. There is no limit for advancement, knowledge and surprises of nature. Men are openly invited to make researches, increase mastery and analyse every aspect of nature.
From the Age of caveman, man stars for navigation. Then he had taken help from Sun and shadow to identify time. So these were some old researches and analysation of men. The curiosity in his nature has only the sky limit i.e no limit.
In a very minuscule time, man has travelled from cave and stretched out beneath the oceans and altitudes of sky. The Era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is before our eyes and the intellect of man is beyond our mind's eye.
Now, it is within our hands to travel in air, water and space. First men invented wheel and now we discern machines in automobiles, factories and in homes. Then, bulb came and enlightened the whole world. Afterwards, a series of inventions commenced and the human outstretched in present Age.
There is a point to think that man is continuously progressing on the basis of his intuitive intelligence so how much intellect man possess? The answer is "SKY IS THE LIMIT"